About David 'the quitter' Ross

David Ross is the creator of the Quit Smoking Blueprint which is a road map to quitting that identifies people's specific triggers; customizing a plan of action based on their behavior and the behavior of those around them. He is the author of I Finally Quit …And So Can You: How to Gain Everything by Quitting and is inspiring quitters to inspire others. Book available at select bookstores and fine websites like Amazon (print or Kindle), I Finally Quit, Audible, iTunes, Barnes & Noble ... even Walmart! GET IT HERE

Have you ever wanted to say I Finally Quit?

I Finally Quit connects people from all over the world to share their individual successes and struggles. It is a living, breathing, constantly evolving “social hub of change“; giving you the motivation and tools you need to once and for all say “I Finally Quit”.

2024-04-15T14:19:17-07:00By |
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