Warning…this one’s candid!

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I was caught completely off-quard when this quitter of cigarettes shared one of the most embarrassing moments of his life with me on the way to the airport. The willingness of people to help, to inspire, and to share in hopes that others will become successful quitters is awesome! If you are looking for inspiration or wanting to positively influence someone to become an “ex”, make sure to download our free Action Plan to Quit Smoking.

This is an incredibly candid one minute with a 75-year-old ex-smoker. Because of how open and candid he was (warning…he uses some “language” in this video), I’m leaving his name off of the video. He let me know he was smoking three packs of cigarettes a day! Quitting cigarettes was THE most difficult and rewarding thing he’s ever done. So proud of him. We also talked about how he quit drinking, because he put alcohol before his wife and Naval career. He let me know drinking sabotaged his career and led to a very unhealthy lifestyle, until he said “I Finally Quit”.