The new year is coming. What better way to start the new year than smoke free, breathing better and having better health overall?
The average cost of one pack of cigarettes varies from $6 to $8. Average smokers go through about five to seven packs in a week, so five packs at $6 a pack totals $30 a week. Multiply $30 by how many weeks there are in a year (52), and you’re spending $1,560 a year. If you smoke a pack a day and live somewhere like Illinois or New York where a pack costs $11 to $12, the money you spend yearly is even higher (over $3,000).
Save yourself the extra couple thousand dollars by dedicating yourself to being smoke free in the new year. By creating an action plan and utilizing the 8 Step Action Plan to Quit Smoking, it is possible to start the year as a brand new person.
- Make your start date January 1.
- Create a plan of action to keep you on track and avoid cravings.
- Remember why you want to quit. Write it down and hang it on your mirror or at your desk so that you have a visual reminder of why you hate smoking. “I’m tired of coughing and being unable to breathe,” or “I want to set a good example for my kids.”
Recently, I had the opportunity to be interviewed for a New Year’s Eve special airing on iHeart Radio on resolutions and quitting “bad” habits. You can access the interview below …
The audio snippets below from a recent interview I did on iHeart Radio are sure to get you motivated to quit now.
Full Interview (15 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
About the IFQ “movement” (3 minutes)
The “basics” about the IFQ book (2 minutes)
Why write the IFQ book? (2 minutes)
What makes IFQ and David “the quitter” Ross different? (3 minutes)
Death and disease from smoking is 100% preventable the moment you throw the cigarettes away. Check out these amazing facts about how your body begins to heal itself the moment you stop harming it:
20 minutes
- Within 20 minutes of stopping smoking, your blood pressure drops to normal.
- Pulse rate averages.
- Body temperature of hands and feet increases.
8 hours
- Carbon monoxide in your blood levels to normal.
- Oxygen levels in your blood increases.
24 hours
- Your chances of a heart attack decreases.
48 hours
- Smell the food in the oven. Taste your meals.
2 weeks to 3 months
- Walk easier and breathe better because your lung function is up 30%.
- Circulation throughout your body increases, making your skin less dry and flaky.
- Nicotine stains fade significantly.
Months 1 to 9
- Coughing goes away.
- Fatigue and shortness of breath decrease.
- Your lungs grow back their cilia, minute hairs that clean your lungs, fight mucus and infection.
- You should feel your energy increasing, allowing more play with your kids and an easier day at work.
1 year
- Your risk of coronary disease is half that of a smoker’s risk.
5 years
- Risk of lung cancer decreases to nearly half, as well as cancer of the mouth, throat, and esophagus.
- Your chance of having a stroke returns to the health of someone that has never smoked.
10 years
- Precancerous cells are replaced with healthy, normal cells
- Your risk of cancers (throat, mouth, bladder, kidney and pancreas) decreases.
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