Read The Letter Below BEFORE You Use Checklist (Delivered in 5 - 10 Minutes.)

How To Quit Smoking (...Fast!)

...Even If You've Tried Before and Failed Miserably.

David "the quitter" Ross

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Author & Speaker

Founder of IFQ, Inc.

From The Desk Of David "the quitter" Ross

San Diego California

Dear Friend‚

If you'd like to quit smoking or any other action(s) and behavior(s) like making excuses‚ procrastinating drinking sitting on the sidelines‚ etc. that lead to less than favorable circumstances in your life this will be the most important letter you'll ever read.

Here's why

You're Not Alone!

When it comes to quitting... Many are worried about failing or letting themselves down or worse...disappointing loved ones...again?  Do you fear withdrawal? Cravings? Weight-gain? Or, failing...again?

Do you wonder where to even begin?

First things first, you need:

  • to make a plan
  • build or contact a support group
  • seek out help from your personal network (friends‚ family‚ social media followers‚ etc.)
  • get cessation aids to use and wear (from inspirational quotes to t-shirts and everything in between); keeping you visually stimulated
  • create smoke-free zones
  • pick your quit date
  • learn to visualize‚ and
  • persist

Right now‚ these are just words on a screen and when you look at the checklist‚ you'll see why a person can get overwhelmed right off the bat‚ but...

What if you could get crystal-clear clarity on implementing a true Action Plan that took away the worry, doubt, and uncertainty of where to start...

...when it comes to putting a bad habit in your past? What if you were finally able to live the lifestyle you've always secretly wanted and didn't fear letting yourself or others down?

Get Guidance From A Proven Formula!

When it comes to quitting, there is just not enough time in the day for a person who wants (or has failed in the past) to quit to try and learn the proven way to implement even one of these disciplines on the checklist (and do it well) let alone all EIGHT of them especially trying to do it all on their own.

So people either need to work with outside experts OR they need to build a support team themselves from scratch that “gets this stuff” - but where to begin right??? Trying to find the right people to work with or surround yourself with can add to the feeling of "overwhelm" and making most want to throw in the towel without even giving it a shot.

To darn near guarantee your success at I Finally Quit we’ve designed a proven formula to assist you and created an 8 Step Action Plan to help you quit smoking; enabling you to quickly put the checklist to work AND a support community so you don’t have to do it all on your own…

Now you might ask...

Is there really a way to break free from smoking?  Procrastinating?  Drinking to Excess? Just plain being lazy? A way to improve my health my mindset my lifestyle and be better at life…no longer feeling “not good enough”?  And if there is is it simple and easy to do?  Is it “dummy proof”?  Can anyone do it?

Since you are here and we’re talking about it then you’ve probably guessed right…there is a solution and YOU can do it! Everybody knows that having a plan & the right support works when quitting...if you do them RIGHT.  And in order to do them right you need to follow a PROVEN formula.

quit smoking action plan cover

Successfully quitting is all in how you connect with yourself and others!

We have helped thousands quit action(s) or behavior(s) (even the founder of I Finally Quit, Inc. created, then followed the "Action Plan" to leave a 20+ year smoking habit in the past) so when we noticed positive results we knew we had come up with a solution.

So rather than sit back and keep it to ourselves‚ we got to work…

...and simplified the process to help as many people as we could!

When we were finished we were left with a simple easy-to-follow 25-page "Action Plan" that incorporated all our best practices.

Here’s a sampling of what’s covered in this action plan…

  • How to break free from Actions or Behaviors that lead to unfavorable Circumstances (What we call the ABC’s of quitting.)
  • The importance of combining a plan with a nurturing support group and how to quickly get involved…
  • The whowhywhatwhen‚ and how of smoking that keeps you going back and how to recognize YOUR addiction to cigarettes
  • How to alter your circle of behavior rather than stay stuck in the same old routine
  • How to build better habits getting you primed and ready to make “positive change” in your life (and those around you)…
  • How to connect with others who are quitting or have quit, so you can join our supportive community
  • Where to find cessation aids and visual reminders to constantly remind you of your goals

…and soooo much more.

Actually we wouldn’t attempt a quitting strategy without having a proven step-by-step guide to follow and this is especially true if you’re quitting for the first time or the 77th time.

BONUS#1: We Even Have The Action Plans In Audio Format!

(audio sample below)

Take the winning formula with you and listen while in the car, on a stroll, on break at work...

...anywhere a craving or temptation may arise.

Does This Really Work?


Just about everybody has a hard time with first.

But if you keep at it and model what works, you'll be golden.

In short I want you to succeed and succeed...quickly. (And that’s putting it pretty mildly.)

Now is the time to act and stop putting it off or wondering what THE BEST way (or time) to quit is.

So, you can sit back and do nothing or "hope for the best" ...


You can get the Action Plan that will detail the 8 Steps and make quitting more manageable.

The choice really is yours...

BONUS #2: We Even Have A Members Only Facebook Group

Connect with Others Who Are Quitting Too.

Regardless of quitting "technique" (pills‚ patches‚ cold-turkey‚ hypnosis‚ etc.)‚ joining like-minded group of individuals for support is key to your success.  I Finally Quit's private "members only" group connects you with people in all stages of quitting.

Here's What Do Do Next

Normally these Action Plans (along with the audio version) sells for $50 each (so that's a $100 value!), but for a very limited time (the next 3 days)...

...we’ll let you have instant access to the Action Plan of  your choosing INCLUDING the audio version for just $7 (value $100!).

Audio Sample (check it out...)

Here's a quick excerpt of the 30+ minute track to help you quit...

I Want the Action Plan!(for just $7.00)

Still On The Fence?

Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions...

  • I have tried (unsuccessfully) to quit before, will this still work for me?


Only about 4% to 7% of people are able to quit smoking on any given attempt without medicines or other help.  So it doesn’t matter if you have tried once or 77 times…the steps and the results are the same. Eventually‚ you will get it right and we think this is that time!

  • What's an "Action Plan"?

It’s not quite a course and it’s definitely not just an ordinary report or whitepaper…

…an Action Plan is more like a “checklist on steroids!”

They’re all meat and no fluff. If you want back story and theory, go read a blog post. Action Plans are all about taking action and getting results as quickly and easily as possible.

  • How long will it take to get access to this Action Plan?


Your Action Plan will be available for immediate download AND be sent to the email address you provide‚ and there will be a video on the next page that explains how you can access the email coaching system.

  • Why Just $7?

If you’re thinking “$7 is cheap…what’s the catch?”then here are three reasons that should put your mind at ease:

 1. $7 puts this information within the reach of everyone…regardless of financial or employment situations. (And at $7 you shouldn’t have to get approval from anyone.) ;)

2. It weeds out the freebie-seekers.
We only want serious quitters who  want to take action and in our experience charging anything…even if it’s just a buck… gets rid of 99% of the chuckle-heads.

3. We tested it and $7
 (about the cost of a pack of smokes) generated the best overall results. (Hey we’re a business here so why not tell it like it is?)

We also believe that once you experience this Action Plan you’ll want more and maybe…just maybe…you’ll come back, buy more and possibly even upgrade to the Quit Smoking in 28 Days Modulated Course, where you get access to our complete 4 week "deep dive" into quitting (ANYTHING) for good.

But that’s it…

No fine print…no “hidden trials”…no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want.

Get Your Action Plan Now

I'm excited for you.

Here's to your success,

David "the quitter" Ross

P.S. Here's a quick recap...

25 page Action Plan to help you quit(...Fast!) - pdf and audio files

A Proven Formula to Get You STARTED.

Price is currently reduced from $100 to just $7.00!

What's Next? After you access you Action Plan, you can download the pdf and audio files, then join the members only group.

And, if you feel like you need just a bit more accountability and "one-on-one" help, I'll be sure to tell you about my email coaching program...

BONUS #3: First 48 hours shopping list

We created a quick "shopping" list of some cool homeopathic products you can put into action right away; eliminating nervousness‚ worry stress and more.  We'll be happy to share that with you when you pick up the Action Plan.

I Want the Action Plan!(for just $7.00)