I feel alive again for the first time in many years thanks to David Ross and I Finally Quit. His eight-step action plan has become an almost daily reference for me – it reminds me of what I have accomplished thus far – and the life I will continue to live. The support I have been given from David and other group members is a lifeline for me. I truly have a new lease on life – and best of all – I don’t feel frightened any more! Eternal gratitude!


Two of our most popular FREE online courses

Start Your Smoke-Free Journey Today

Choose Your Path to Quitting Now!

How Others Have Quit Smoking

Without Feeling Scared, Nervous or All Alone
(slots are limited)

Learn to put the 8 Step Action Plan to Work

We’ll cover the 8 Steps to Quitting, the 5 W’s every smoker can use to identify (then eliminate) triggers, 3 types of quitters, the importance of support & community and much, much more.

Plan on 70 to 90 minutes.

Quitting with Essential Oils

Attend BEFORE you quit smoking

Learn the Basics on Using Oils

Get the basics on using oils to help quitting

We’ll cover the very targeted and specific oils that help during the quitting process.

Plan on 30 to 35 minutes.